General dentistry
- Free examination, advisement
- Converse dentistry
- aesthetic filling
- inlays
- root treatments, root cannals treatments
- ceramincs shells
- Prosthetic dentistry
- prosthetic dentistry made by CADCAM
- metal dental crown made by metal
- zirconium dental crown
- gold-ceramics dental crowns
- prosthetic dentistry bases on implants
- full take pick up prosthetic dentistry
- combined prosthetic dentistry
- Mouth-hygienic treatments
- scaling by ultrasonic
- flour-pastille polishing
- professional tooth-cleaning
- tooth whiting
- placing tooth jewerly
- aesthetics prosthetic dentistry
- shell ceramic
- porcelian filling
- Orthodontics
- X-ray diagnostic
- digital panoramic shooting
- 3D dentistry CT
- Paradontology
- paradontium deseases
Oral surgery
- Removing the injured roots in surgery way
- Removing teeth those stope growing but not injured
- Apicoectomy and other tooth-preserving surgeries
- root-peek operation
- additional soft-laser treatment
- cancer screening
- removing mutations in the mouth and lips
- treating salivary gland
- treating manndubular-pain and facial pain
- emergency attendance
- exploring nodules
High capaticy laser-surgery
- surgery
- implantology
- tooth whiting
- treating inflammations
Dentistery for childrend, Orthodontics
- all-enclusive supply
Denistry services
Our clinic has four techincal labs and collaborated with four dental technicans.